Monday, April 20, 2020

What's on your Shoes?

"Who's Shoes Are These!!" Heard that lately? Yelled it yesterday? Are you exhausted from picking up a random shoe abandoned next to the couch, wondering where the mate resides?

Have you tried being a "Shoes Off" household? Did the concept work for a while, yet shoes kept sneaking back into the living space, piling up? Couldn't be bothered returning shoes to their home in the closet? "I'll do it later." Sound familiar?

Dr. Janowski said shoes are not a big worry for contracting coronavirus, but it might make you squeamish if you think about where your shoes have been. “If you want to talk about bacteria, we know bacteria love to live on shoes,” Dr. Janowski said. “You never know what you stepped in.”

Now is a perfect time to reinstate the concept of a shoe-free house! Keep the germs out and enjoy an organized home!

If you're debating the issue, ask yourself why. Too tiresome to get the family to follow the "Rules," no kids crawling or playing on the floor, no allergies, your feet don't rest on tables/desk? I'm sure there's plenty of reasons/excuses. How about just having cleaner floors? That's a great goal! Less time, less effort, less stress, more pleasure time!

Share these pros and cons from Christopher Mele in the NY Times, and get your family/housemates involved. Put up a cute sign to remind them, & future visits from friends. Also, enjoy a cleaner, less congested floor, "and not worry what's lurking on your shoes!"

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Simply Persnickety in the Media

As I tackle "Big and Small, helping with it all" projects I'm constantly wondering, "Where is my film crew?" I could create a show on HGTV, with astonishing swift outcomes that I create for families and businesses, and it would be fun! So, until my fantasy comes true, I'll stick with trying to remember to take Before and After Photos and leave it to the professionals to highlight me in their news!

I'm grateful and honored Feedback Sports, 303Cycling, and The Primal CO Bike Expo reached out and asked if I'd like to be a part of their product advertising. Why of course, I'd be delighted, Thank You!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Trash, Recycle, or Compost. What's in Your Trash Can?

Ranging 1 - 5, five being the highest, what score would you
give yourself for recycling? Do you get lazy and toss a recy-
clable item in the trash for convenience, or swipe off uneaten food vs put it in a container for a left over snack/meal?

What if you dumped all your home trashcan contents in a pile, and sorted it, what do you think you'd find? How does it smell?

I don't need to give facts, since most individuals are aware of what their city recycling program entails. I just want to replant a seed(s) that may have been blown in the wind and needs to be replanted.

Can you recycle more than you do now? How much food is tossed out each day/week in your home? Can you reduce your home trash down to a cereal or bread bag this week? Reuse a tortilla, bread, cereal, etc, bag for all your trash the next few days. I'm sure you'll be surprised how you can reduce your impact, and save on pricey tall kitchen bags that don't get used to their full extent nor break down at the dump!