Monday, April 20, 2020

What's on your Shoes?

"Who's Shoes Are These!!" Heard that lately? Yelled it yesterday? Are you exhausted from picking up a random shoe abandoned next to the couch, wondering where the mate resides?

Have you tried being a "Shoes Off" household? Did the concept work for a while, yet shoes kept sneaking back into the living space, piling up? Couldn't be bothered returning shoes to their home in the closet? "I'll do it later." Sound familiar?

Dr. Janowski said shoes are not a big worry for contracting coronavirus, but it might make you squeamish if you think about where your shoes have been. “If you want to talk about bacteria, we know bacteria love to live on shoes,” Dr. Janowski said. “You never know what you stepped in.”

Now is a perfect time to reinstate the concept of a shoe-free house! Keep the germs out and enjoy an organized home!

If you're debating the issue, ask yourself why. Too tiresome to get the family to follow the "Rules," no kids crawling or playing on the floor, no allergies, your feet don't rest on tables/desk? I'm sure there's plenty of reasons/excuses. How about just having cleaner floors? That's a great goal! Less time, less effort, less stress, more pleasure time!

Share these pros and cons from Christopher Mele in the NY Times, and get your family/housemates involved. Put up a cute sign to remind them, & future visits from friends. Also, enjoy a cleaner, less congested floor, "and not worry what's lurking on your shoes!"

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