Sunday, February 15, 2009

10 File Folders a Day!

Home Office: Weed out your filing cabinet. Too big of a job to do at once? No problem. Just go through 10 file folders each day until you're done. Before you start, have three bags and a plastic file box next to your chair; trash, recycle, shred, archive. Get rid of anything that is outdated or no longer necessary to keep. Purge your home files/utility bills every year; ex: April to April; same goes for your bank statements. You can always get a copy from your bank if need be. Shred any paperwork that contains personal information such as social security numbers or bank account numbers. Check the bottom of the back right corner; generally, your account number is posted again. Remember, you can't recycle shredded paper. Only shred what's important; rip off the rest of the statement to recycle. Archive important documents that aren't needed at a daily fingertip's reach. Label the box and store in a out of the way space - loft in garage, crawl space, attic, etc. (That's why it's a PLASTIC file box.) You'll be surprised at your momentum, once you get started, and you'll complete more than ten files a day.

If you're ready to take on a big challenge, color code your files: Green = finance, Red = medical, Blue = house, Yellow = personal, Purple or Orange = second house, etc. Purchase the same color for file folder, hanging folders, and labels. (Even colored pens to match too!)

Also, create a TO DO file and place at the front of your filing cabinet, for the items that need attention within that week/month, to keep them off your desk top!

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