Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tip: Photo Albums...I'll Get Around to Them One Day.

"Organize and Protect Your Entire Photo Collection in as Little as 10 Days...Without Losing Your Mind. Have you got years and years' worth of photos that have never even made it out of the film developers' envelopes? Worse yet, have you got rolls and rolls of film that haven't even been developed? Perhaps you're up to your eyeballs in boxes and stashes of photos that are a jumbled mess? You're not alone . . . and there is help." Visit:http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=P5hhl&m=1cIKBdoSdurpYX&b=mlXNudOp2Io.ufAhGTf6PA


Terra said...

oh you read my mind. I pulled up all my photos from the basement and bought new albums a few weeks ago and they are still sitting next to my desk...a clicking I will go later today and see if I can't dig deep for motivation!

Bonnie said...

I love the web site you recommended. I do scrapbooking and my photos are pretty organized except I do have old family photos and professional pics that need a home. I'm going to research this web site.